Can Dry Scalp Cause Hair Loss?

It’s not only itchy and irritating, but dry scalp can lead to the loss of hair (sometimes). Although there are many different reasons for dry scalp, the results are virtually the same. Your scalp is not healthy. It becomes red and sore, and you will inevitably find yourself scratching your head in a desperate attempt to enjoy some quick relief from the discomfort. Sadly, this will only make the situation worse.

Millions of American’s have dry skin on the scalp. This could be due to a medical condition (such as psoriasis, fungus, and eczema), using hair products that don’t agree with the skin, dehydration, climate (hot and cold weather or artificial heating), stress and anxiety, and many others. The good news is that there are things that you can do to heal the scalp and stop further hair loss if you act now.

Your hair follicles are just under the skin. When your scalp becomes overly dry, your hair won’t get the nourishment that is needed to grow. This can cause your hair to become brittle and damaged, or stop it growing completely in certain areas. The crown of the head is most commonly affected.

In this article, we will talk about how dry scalp damages the scalp, sometimes resulting in hair loss. We will also discuss the different ways that you can give your scalp and hair the nourishment that is needed for thicker and fuller hair. Let’s take a closer look.

Table of Contents:

How Can Dry Scalp Cause Hair Loss?

  • In healthy skin, you’ll find a natural oil called sebum. This is your body’s way of keeping your skin hydrated and healthy. Sometimes, though, hair styling products can start to build up underneath the scalp. When this happens, the sebum can’t get through to keep it healthy.
  • Other factors that are known to cause hair loss include stress, anxiety, and thyroid problems. These usually result in the loss of hair in small patches, not all over the head. It’s easy to ignore these problems, but they do need to be quickly addressed.
  • When you scratch your scalp, the skin becomes irritated/reddened, and the hair will suffer damage. The best way to heal a damaged scalp is to apply a treatment that will stop you from scratching your head so intensely. Your recovery from sores and infection will be much easier.
  • You may have a medical condition, such as ringworm, that needs urgent treatment. Not all skin-related medical conditions can be cured, but the symptoms can be reduced. The condition will then become more tolerable, and your skin will find it easier to oxygenate.
  • Are you drinking enough water? Most people drink coffee to boost our energy levels, but this will only serve to dehydrate the body further. Reduce your caffeine intake and try to sip water throughout the day regularly. This will help to rehydrate the skin and scalp.

Important: Sometimes the treatment that you’re using for hair loss is the reason for having an overly dry scalp. One example is Minoxidil. If your scalp has dried out and your hair loss worsened, it may be worth switching to an alternative product.

Can Dry Scalp Cause Hair Loss

Treat Dry Scalp That Is Damaging Your Hair

The first thing that you need to do is stop the itchiness and find a way to nourish your scalp and hair. But to do that, you have to get rid of the build up of debris that’s causing the problem. Use a proven natural product that can get into the skin quickly, and start to clean the debris and clogs. You will then be able to send nourishment to your hair much faster.

One of the best things that you can do for the scalp is to use a hot oil treatment. Some products are made with essential oils. They mimic the natural oils that are naturally in your skin. They also can soak into the roots of your hair, and travel through the shafts, giving your hair the nourishment that it needs to become healthy again. One of the best options is Australian tea tree oil.

Many times, when people hear the word oil, they automatically think that their hair will become greasy. This doesn’t happen with essential oils. They soak into the scalp, nourishing, cleansing, and re-hydrating your scalp on their journey.

There are also exfoliators that will get rid of the dead skin cells that are making your scalp so itchy. As they start to get to work, you will scratch your head much less, giving your scalp the opportunity to heal so that your hair can grow back. Much depends on how much damage has been caused, and how long that you’ve allowed the condition to continue before commencing a treatment plan.

Treatments That Will Make Your Scalp Healthy Again

To clean the clogs and debris from underneath the skin, you have to use a product that works. Let’s explore some of the better options:

Use a 100% Natural Shampoo

You may start to see hair and flakes in your comb after brushing. Perhaps you’re starting to notice that a bald spot has appeared when you look in the mirror? You have to use a good product that can soak into the skin and clean the debris that is building up, such as Christina Moss Natural Organic Hair Shampoo. The longer you delay treatment, the worse that your hair loss problem will become.

This shampoo is made with all-natural ingredients and is safe to use on all types of skin and hair. From the first time you use it, you will notice that the itchiness starts to fade. You will also quickly notice that your hair is starting to regain its natural elasticity and shine.

Apply Essential Oils to Your Scalp

Don’t assume that using an oil will make your hair greasy. “Ooh!” will give you instant relief from the itchiness. When you stop scratching, your hair will be less likely to become damaged and break. Stopping the itchiness isn’t the only thing that “Ooh” does. It puts essential oils back into your scalp that quickly absorbs. It cleanses the scalp, allowing the roots and shafts of your hair to start to absorb the nourishment again.

In conclusion, the question ‘Can dry scalp cause hair loss?’ can be answered by a simple ‘yes.’  However, using a good product for your scalp can quickly stop the itchiness and hair loss. You can also massage the scalp to improve circulation and blood flow.

Copyright 2018 by DryScalpGone.