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How to Deep Cleanse the Hair with Baking Soda (with Step-by-Step Guide)

Caring for the hair never goes out of season, so it’s safe to say, most women are on top of their personal care and hair game. You look for ways in which to get the job done with minimal effort and cost because looking your best is essential.

Also, you’re likely staying away from pesticides, sulfates, and other harmful ingredients. In light of this, it may mean treating yourself to a home remedy to avoid using chemicals that harm your hair. Most home remedies are tried-and-true alternatives to OTC brands.

There are all kinds of natural alternatives to makeup, hair dyes, and shampoos nowadays. Women find alternatives to heat to style their hair. Although the hair doesn’t define anyone as an individual, it’s still a significant part of a person’s makeup.

Because you’re always trying different hair care products, styles, and colors, you may have damaged the hair. The sun, rain, and snow can dry the hair out, and make it vulnerable to breakage and split ends. So, ever so often, you may want to detox the hair.

Table of Contents:

Deep Cleansing the Hair with Baking Soda

Detoxing the hair is pretty much like cleansing the body, only it’s not an internal cleanse. As a part of the detox, you want to have the ends of your hair trimmed. Yes, get rid of those dead strands first. You should be getting a trim regularly anyway every month or so.

If you don’t, this is something you should start doing to maintain healthy locks. Keeping the hair nice and trimmed will also help to strip the hair of old, dull hair dye and product buildup. Once your haircut, you’re ready to start another phase of the detox.

You’re going to need a few items to perform the ritual. Gather the baking soda, apple cider vinegar (or ACV), pure honey, and bentonite clay. You won’t need a shampoo for this right now so put it away.

Step-by-Step Baking Soda Deep Cleanse Instructions

  • Mix together 1 tablespoon of ACV, 1 tablespoon baking soda, and two cups of filter water. Mix those separately so that’s it’s a spoonful of baking soda to one part water and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water.
  • While you’re in the shower, apply the baking soda mixture to your hair. Work it in thoroughly and rinse out using cool water.
  • Next, apply the ACV and rinse again, using only cool water.

The honey gives your hair shine, so be sure to add plenty of it to your hair. Rub it in while the hair is still wet and leave it in for a few minutes and rinse one more time. What to do with the bentonite clay? Make a mask, of course!

Bentonite Clay Hair Mask

Bentonite clay is what extracts surplus oils and toxins out of the scalp and hair. The clay mask helps to speed the detoxification process. You can also apply this to the skin, but mainly, do it for the hair once a week.

How to Detox Your Scalp

When you do a deep cleanse, you detox the hair and scalp. In other words, you’re removing all the buildup, dead skin cells and oils from the roots and hair. Baking soda is an all-natural ingredient that cleans almost any surface, including the skin and hair.

This detox calls for three common ingredients: olive oil, baking soda, and cinnamon. The olive oil is excellent for getting rid of dandruff and soothing dry, itchy scalp, plus it also helps to stop hair loss.

The cinnamon you’ll be using in the recipe contains antibacterial agents, so you don’t develop a fungus or bacterial infection of the scalp. Although natural, you shouldn’t use this mask anymore than once every month.

Here’s a simple DIY detox recipe using baking soda.

  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • ½ cinnamon powder

Here’s how to use the ingredients:

  1. Put them in a small container and mix them together.
  2. Part your tresses into small sections. Staying as close to the scalp as possible, apply the mask to each part.
  3. When done, massage into the roots, making sure to use clockwise or counterclockwise movements.
  4. Cover with shower cap and wait for about 10 to 15 minutes before removing
  5. When the time is up, remove cap and shampoo out.  Condition as normal.

If you want, you can end the treatment with an ACV hair rinse, but you should also condition the hair after you’re done. The apple cider vinegar assists in balancing the hair’s natural pH level and stops any bacteria from forming. Plus, it gives it your hair bounce and extra sheen.

Cleansing Dreadlocks with Baking Soda

The kind of water in your home affects how your hair reacts to washing or shampooing. Hard water is the worst kind to deal with, but even still, not impossible. If you have hard water, you’re going to need to purchase distilled water from your supermarket.

You can’t just boil the hard water and make it soft. Yeah, it’s just not that easy. Hard water means it has minerals in it that the hair could do without. It’s easier to buy some.

You’re going to need these things to do a dread cleanse:

  • ½ box of baking soda
  • ½ cup of ACV
  • Washbasin
  • 4 towels [thick]
  • Water bottle

Is baking soda for hair good or bad?

How to Do a Dread Cleanse:

  1. Take your water bottle and fill it up halfway with the vinegar and take it into the shower, so it’s available. Roll your towels so they can be used as a pillow rest for your neck. However, keep one out so you’ll have it when you need to use it.
  2. Take and place your wash basin over the towels
  3. You may want to give your wash area a trial run before starting to set the comfort level. You may need more towels under your neck, or you may not need as many as you thought. Nonetheless, you want to have your head at an angle, chin facing up so the liquids will fall into the basin.
  4. Fill the basin halfway with hot water. Be careful that you don’t splash the water as you’re laying your head in the wash basin.
  5. You’re going to use almost all of the baking soda on your dreadlocks, so you don’t have to measure it. However, and depending on the length, you should have at least half of the box left when you’re done.
  6. Apply the baking soda to your hair and keep doing it until your hair feels silky smooth.
  7. Let this soak in for approximately 15-20 minutes. You can set a timer if you want so you don’t forget. Remember, although baking soda is natural, it’s still a harsh ingredient.
  8. When the time is up, be careful to bring your head out of the basin. Wring locks into the basin. The water should look cloudy. Wrap hair in a towel.  Rinse dreadlocks a couple of times before you start to use the apple cider vinegar.
  9. Add water to the rest of the bottle and pour over the scalp and locks
  10. Squirt in as much of the ACV that you can and let it soak (3-4 minutes) in your dreadlocks

Wash out once more, and you’re finished, finally. It only sounds like a lot to do, but once you do it for the first time, it will be a breeze to do.

How to Make Baking Soda Shampoo

To get your hair the cleanest, you don’t have to spend a fortune. There’s an easier way and one that is less expensive. All you need is baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and water.

Here’s how:

  1. Mix one part baking soda to four parts water and form a paste.
  2. Apply the paste on your scalp and hair.
  3. Leave it on for about 60 seconds and rinse it out.
  4. Follow up with a vinegar rinse.

That’s it! So simple a fifth grader can do it.

Is Baking Soda For Hair Good or Bad?

Baking soda is good for a lot of things when it comes to cleaning. It’s effective in cutting grease and oil, and that’s one of the reasons it’s in demand, but it’s to be respected. You don’t want to abuse this product by applying this home hair care remedy too often.

Can you put baking soda in your hair to make it less greasy?

Too much baking soda can ruin a perfectly good regime. The experts recommend you do this every three or four months to avoid stripping the hair.  Ultimately, it prevents the hair from overproducing natural oils, leaving it dry and brittle. With that said, it’s still OK to use ACV.

The ACV has fungus-fighting abilities, and it helps you to keep your locks intact, so they grow longer and stronger. Also, you will love your hair because it’s soft and healthy looking.

The benefits of using baking soda to deep cleanse the hair are incredible. You don’t have to worry about what’s in the shampoo or mask because you made it with natural ingredients.

Baking soda doesn’t have any parabens in it, nor does it contain fragrances or dyes.

You don’t have to worry about product buildup or dandruff. Lastly, you can put baking soda in your hair to make it less greasy, but it will take some time for the hair to become accustomed to this treatment. As time goes on, your hair will look and feel like silk. Until then, don’t worry too much about the oil production.

When you’re in a hurry, try a condensed version the one above. How do I deep cleanse the hair with baking soda? Just fill water squirt bottle with water and baking soda. Apply to hair and scalp and rinse out. Shampoo and condition the hair a few times per week for hair that is the healthiest.

Copyright 2018 by DryScalpGone.

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