There is no precise number when it comes to how often we should wash our hair. There are just too many variables. Washing it every day can dry it out, but washing it too infrequently can cause dirty hair and a myriad of scalp-related problems.
You may think that not washing your hair helps with moisture and natural oils. However, dirty hair and scalp are a common cause of a dry and itchy scalp.
It’s a style factor, more often than not. Unkempt, unwashed hair is often considered fashionable. Other times, we don’t wash our hair often because of convenience. Modern solutions, like dry shampoo, have appeared as replacements for actual washing. Unfortunately, they don’t do the trick when it comes to deep cleansing.
So, what’s the big deal? Why do you get an itchy scalp when not washing your hair? There are a few major reasons. As we go through them, you’ll quickly see how important regular washing of your hair can be.
Finding the perfect balance of how often to wash it can be challenging. But, it’s necessary for the health of your hair and scalp. It’s also vital that you use the right shampoo. One effective way to clean your hair and scalp is with Christina Moss Naturals organic shampoo.
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For each day that goes by, and you don’t wash your hair, think about what might be collecting on your scalp. Dirt and grime build up extremely quickly. So much so that dermatologists consider it to be debris. This build-up includes things like:
There is a difference between your hair being a bit dirty and excessively dirty. After a day of not washing, you may find the right texture for styling. A day’s worth of natural oils and build-up probably won’t cause you any discomfort. But several days of build-up can make quite a difference.
You’ll likely notice that difference when you scratch. A sort of grimy sensation is bound to follow. When you scratch your scalp, you may even feel the debris under your fingernails.
That’s a clear indication that the build-up has gone on too long. If you don’t already feel uncomfortable and itchy at that point, you can expect to soon.
Dandruff isn’t caused by a dry scalp. Rather, it’s usually the result of a build-up of debris on your scalp. This build-up can quickly become uncomfortable and, of course, itchy.
As you try to relieve your scalp, it can flake off. And itching can cause further issues. If it’s too frequent, you can scratch to the point of causing pain and bleeding.
Do you think that dandruff is only associated with flakes? That’s not necessarily true.
Seborrheic dermatitis (another name for the condition) doesn’t have to cause embarrassing white flakes. Instead, it can cause inflammation and a tender scalp.
It’s the inflammation that causes the itching. So, even if you don’t get those noticeable white flakes, you may still have the condition.
More oils and debris in your hair can be nice for texture and styling. But it’s certainly not so good for the health of your scalp.
If you don’t wash your hair frequently, it can become weighed down and cause discomfort and itching. Between natural oils and products, your hair can quickly become heavy.
That weight pulls at the hair follicles connected to the scalp. It upsets the nerve endings in your hair. When that happens, you may experience discomfort or even pain. That may give you the desire to scratch, to find some relief.
If you notice a scratching sensation when you put your hair in a ponytail, bun, etc., it’s likely that it’s too heavy. Those can be tempting styles to use when not washing your hair for a few days. And, you can use your hair’s texture to your advantage when it comes to styling in those fashions.
However, cleansing the oils and dirt from your hair is the best solution. It will take away the weight, and the uncomfortable itchiness.
You may choose not to wash your hair as often in the winter, so it doesn’t get dried out and itchy. The concept makes sense. However, not washing your hair doesn’t prevent you from getting a dry scalp due to cold weather.
Instead, use a natural shampoo to fight against dryness. Other safe moisturizing products are also effective. Try to find something that is chemical-free. That way, it won’t strip the hair of its natural oils.
If your scalp is extremely prone to dryness, you may want to consult a dermatologist for a stronger medicated option. Your hair does need certain oils to stay healthy. But, an excessive build-up of those oils will only cause more harm than good.
There is a fine line between being able to give your hair texture and taking care of the health of your scalp. That balance is different for everyone.
Everyone’s scalp has a different pH level it needs to sit comfortably. If it is skewed one way or another, some skin condition could potentially occur.
Not washing your hair frequently may be a style statement, but don’t be surprised if it only takes a matter of days before you experience discomfort and itching.
As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for an itchy scalp when hair is dirty. There is some good news. There are plenty of ways to get rid of a dry and itchy scalp, too.
You don’t have to compromise style to have healthy skin on your head. However, you should always put your health first. Find the right cleansing balance for you by using Christina Moss Naturals organic shampoo. You’ll then be able to appreciate both a healthy scalp and radiant hair you can style however you’d like.
Copyright 2018 by DryScalpGone.